Everything that is awesome loses it "awesomeness" sometimes, when you have already tried everything, everywere with everyone; things start to be boring. You already reached the limit, the best of it. So, whats left ? What´s new ? Who´s gonna make you feel everything back again ? No one. I´ve tryed all I ever wanted so, what´s left for me ? Is to appreciate the little things, the simple things as they were new. The wind blowing, the rain, the clouds in the sky... Every little thing that was always here, and I´ve forgot to appreciate... Everything that could make me happy so easily, and I´ve never realised. Everything that is here, now. I know I don´t need nothing else.
Sometimes you have to reach the limit, be it at the bottom of hell, or at the top of the sky. So you can go back on the middle of it, and just enjoy the ordinary things. Cause after all everything has some value, no matter how small. A value, is always a value.
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